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Will Carattini

Level Designer

Novus Studio LLC

Quick Facts

  • From 1/2024 - Present

  • Semi-open World

  • Unreal Engine 5

  • Blueprint Scripting

  • Optimization

  • Created Modular Props


Wicked Arcana is an action RPG set in a stylized fantasy medieval world.  My role was to design POI's within various subsections of the game world and make them interesting to navigate.  I also scripted various game objects, level events, and environmental effects to make the world feel more alive.

Quick Facts

  • Four weeks

  • Linear

  • Unreal Engine 5

  • Blueprint Scripting

  • Optimization

  • Basic AI - Patrol/Attack

  • Modded Epic's Learning Kit


Originally an CGMA assignment, I enjoyed working on it so much that I decided to revisit it after the course was complete.  My overall goal was to create as complete of an experience as possible.  This level includes props from CGMA and the Unreal Learning Kit that I modded to play more like a third person shooter.  

Solo Project

Quick Facts

  • Four Weeks

  • Linear

  • Unreal Engine 5

  • Blueprint Scripting

  • Optimization

  • Level Streaming for instant day/night scenarios


This level began life as a basic blockout utilizing assets from the Medieval Game Environment from Quixel Megascans.  My goal with this level was to create as realistic an environment as possible.  The result was made using splines, procedural foliage volumes, post processing, and scripted level streaming to alternate between daytime and nighttime lighting scenarios.

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